
  • Kenya Mining Cadastre Portal-Help: Mineral Rights Applications

    Once you’ve been registered on the Kenya Portal, you are now able to sign in and make a license applications and payments, upload relevant documents and monitor the status of your license. There are currently four broad mining license categories, which comprise the individual license types: Large Scale Licenses. Small Scale Licenses.

  • Kenya: mining licence process map-Transparency International

    In Kenya, all minerals are vested in the national government in trust for the people of Kenya. This licence map describes the process of awarding the Prospecting Licence (PL), which

  •  · A total of 27 maize flour brands and 2 brands of maize flour premixes were procured from the market and analyzed for compliance with the national standards for vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B3

  • Licensing | State Department for Mining

    Receiving and Processing of applications of mineral rights for the Mineral Right Board (MRB). The licensing process has three stages; Licencing Division confirms completeness of applications and other matters prior to forwarding to the MRB. The MRB reviews the submitted applications and prepares an advisory for Cabinet Secretary’s (CS) action

  •  · The Mining (Dealings in Minerals) Regulations, 2017 were enacted by the Cabinet Secretary for Mining in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 100 and 223 (l) of the Mining Act, 2016. Section 100 of the Act deals with the sale of minerals won by an artisanal miner. These Regulations are to apply to the export of a mineral by a holder of a

  •  · #post_contentThe Kenyan mining sector is at a blossoming stage and the ministry is functioning on a law that will assist in defining the sector and link amongst diverse players together with the government, artisanal miners, mining companies and investors.

  •  · 163 PSEG Global Inc and Konya Ilgin Elektrik Uretim v Ticaret Limited Sirketi v Turkey, ICSID Case No ARB/02/5, Award and Annex (19 January 2007); Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets LP v Argentina, ICSID Case No ARB/01/3, Decision on Claimants’ Request for Rectification and/or Supplementary Decision of the Award (25

  •  · The Mining Act 2016 was enacted to give effect to Articles 60, 62b (1) (f), 66 (2), 69 and 71 of the Constitution in so far as they apply to minerals and provide for prospecting, mining, processing, refining, treatment, transport and any dealings in minerals. We briefly explore the legal framework regulating minerals and mining in Kenya.

  •  · Mining Rights in Kenya. A mining License in Kenya is by Kenya’s Ministry of Mining and Petroleum. There are procedures one has to follow to obtain the license. Getting a mining license ensures you carry

  •  · If the world is to move away from fossil fuels, we will need to extract far more rare minerals, to power renewable energy sources such as wind turbines and solar plants. However, energy experts point out that mining these minerals can be a dirty process, ravaging the environment, and leading to human rights abuses.

  • eLimu | Resources and economic activities

    Resources and economic activities. Meaning of mining Mining is the extraction of valuable substances found within the rocks, mud or alluvium. Minerals in their raw state are called ores. The main mining methods used are: Open-cast method: The minerals are obtained by blasting and quarrying rocks which contain the mineral.

  •  · PDF | The last two to three decades have witnessed a rapid growth in the mining industry in Kenya. The suite of minerals includes metals such as gold, | Find, read and cite all the research you

  • Licensing | State Department for Mining

    Registration of online mining cadastre users. The mining cadastre requires that potential users get registered in the system to enable them log in, make applications and upload

  • 2017 2018 Minerals Yearbook-USGS Publications Warehouse

    Ilmenite, rutile, and zircon accounted for 2.6% of Kenya’s total exports of about $5.1 billion1 in 2017; iron and steel, 2.2%; soda ash, 1.3%; and other minerals and mineral products, including cement, fluorspar, glassware, salt, scrap metal, and stone, sand, and gravel, 2.4%. Cement was exported, including to the countries of Tanzania and

  •  · There wasn’t really a mining industry in Kenya until three years ago. Mining Minister Dan Kazungu has now written a new strategy that spans 20 years in the hope to see 10% of GDP coming from mining by 2030, and includes plans for up to 20 new mines. The aim is to have 20 more operators, such as Australian Base Resources which is

  •  · The Cabinet Secretary for Mining has enacted a number of Regulations under the Mining Act, 2016 regulating the licensing, exploration, work programmes and state participation in the extractives industry. These Regulations are to apply to all mineral rights including artisanal miners and holders of, reconnaissance licences, prospecting licences

  • : 693 · Kenya’s profile as a potential top rare earth minerals producer rose a rung higher after mineral explorer Cortec announced it had found deposits worth $62.4 billion. Mrima Hill, in the coastal county of Kwale, has one of the top five rare earth deposits in the world. The area also has niobium deposits estimated to be worth $35 billion.

  • (PDF) Artisanal Mining Practices: A Study of Selected Counties in

    Artisanal miners extract natural resources (mostly gold, copper, sand and quarry) from easily accessible deposits using the only very basic tools. It is undertaken in different forms-underground mining (below the surface), open surface (pit) mining,


    3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT We appreciate all the stakeholders who participated and contributed to the development of the Kenya Country Mining Vision gap analysis report. The UNDP and the Ministry of Mining played an important role in facilitating the domestication

  •  · Kenya’s mineral exports have been steadily growing over the years to Sh59 billion last year, even as the government says it has discovered 56 industrial and 14 strategic mines. And since last October when a moratorium on licensing mining firms was lifted, the State has received over 1,417 applications of different categories of the gems

  •  · It is not clear how large the coltan deposits found in Kenya are. Mining officials have previously hinted that Kenya could have traces of the highly valuable ore, but Kenya's Minister for Mining

  •  · 13. Strategic Minerals Geopolitics in Africa: Unraveling Great Power Competition. AYESHA ABRAR. BY. AYESHA ABRAR. Africa-Press – Kenya. Abstract: Africa is poised at the forefront of a transformative era as the world shifts towards sustainable energy sources, with its rich mineral reserves emerging as a prerequisite in

  •  · In 2020, industrial minerals made up the largest group of metals and minerals exported from Kenya, with a total of approximately 884,000 metric tons. The second-largest volume was that of

  • Mining Act Analysis-KPMG

    After 75 years, Kenya passed a new and modern mining code which was assented to on 6th May 2016. The new Act reflects the spirit and intent of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 to ensure that activities related to mining and exploitation of minerals are beneficial to the citizens of Kenya. In keeping with the provisions of the Constitution of

  •  · rivers) and solution mining (drilled boreholes). In Kenya, these include mining of gold, gemstones, copper, quarry, sand among other min erals. In Kenya, these practices are commonly. notable in

  • Geology and Mineral Resources of Kenya-ResearchGate

    Bamburi Cement Ltd., Mombasa and Nairobi, Kenya. BCL was established in 1951. Today, Lafarge Group has a 58.6% stake in BCL. First plant at Mombasa started production in 1954 with annual capacity

  • Kenya: mining licence process map-Transparency International

    This ‘licence map’ presents this process as a step-by-step guide. It sheds light on a process that is often complex and complicated, making it more transparent. In Kenya, all minerals are vested in the national government in trust for the people of Kenya. This licence map describes the process of awarding the Prospecting Licence (PL), which

  • Kwale Mining Operation-Base Titanium

    Kwale Operations is designed to process ore to recover three main products: rutile, ilmenite and zircon. Base Titanium employs a hydraulic mining method which has proven cost effective and well suited to the Kwale deposit and involves blasting the mining face directly with high pressure jets of water to create an ore slurry. The ore slurry is

  • Nevira Minerals Kenya

    Nevira Minerals Company Ltd specializes in the business of mining and processing natural minerals into high quality value added products which offers various solutions to industrial manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Our main raw material Minerals includes: Calcium Carbonate (Limestone, Calcite and Marble), Dolomite, Kaolin (Soap Stone

  • Directorates | State Department for Mining

    Exercising regulatory administration and supervision over all prospecting, mining, processing, refining and treatment operations, transport and any dealings in minerals. Monitoring of compliance and ensuring compliance with the law, regulations and conditions relating to mineral rights. Preparation of the necessary reports required under this
